John Mckay
Class Of:
Throughout the sixties, John McKay was particularly interested in making it possible for every child in Canada to participate in recreational skating programs. He was chairman of several CFSA committees in the 1970s and oversaw the introduction of the Divisional championships competition and Skate Canada. He proudly served as CFSA President from 1971 – 1972, establishing a number of firsts that promoted a sound business environment. These included a Board of Management, the concept of Committee Streams and a total registration of the Association’s members. At $1 per member, this garnered $100,000 in revenue for the Association which permitted expansion and financial assistance to competitive skaters and Officials’ training. John was a long time National and International level Judge and Referee. He was appointed team leader to many international competitions including the 1988 Winter Olympics in Calgary. His distinguished contributions to figure skating were recognized with the International Achievement Award from the Province of Ontario, the Billie Mitchell Award in 1989 and 1990 and a Special Recognition Award for over fifty years of service from the CFSA Western Ontario Section.