Save the Date: 2021 Skate Canada Ice Summit

Dear members and registrants,

Skate Canada is pleased to announce that the annual Skate Canada Ice Summit is back and will be held in a virtual format! Mark your calendars and get ready to take part in educational and engaging workshops and sessions with leading experts, including our 2021 Ice Summit keynote speaker, Henry Burris.

Kicking off on May 15, 2021, Skate Canada will host pre-conference webinars that lead into the May 28-29 conference. The 2021 Ice Summit package offers a broad spectrum of informative and interactive workshops and sessions and will give the Canadian skating community the opportunity to learn more about programming, safe sport, and equity, diversity and inclusion.

Here’s a snapshot of what to expect this year:

  • May 15 – Skate Canada’s pre-conference webinars begin, including a skating seminar hosted by Olympic and World Champion, Meagan Duhamel.
  • May 28-29 – the official 2021 Ice Summit begins. Join sessions hosted by world-class sport professionals, conference keynote speaker, Henry Burris, and the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the association on May 29. Members will be able to participate remotely as the AGM and voting will be available via live stream.

Registration for this interactive and engaging virtual conference will open on April 1, 2021. Visit our website for more information.