2021 Skate Canada Challenge Announcement

2021 Skate Canada Challenge

As you are aware, the 2020-2021 season is being impacted by the global pandemic which requires us to revisit the format of all competitions to ensure that safety protocols can be properly implemented.  Following consultation with all Skate Canada Sections, the following revisions to the format of 2021 Skate Canada Challenge will be operational for the competition scheduled to take place at the Terwillegar Community Recreation Centre in Edmonton, AB from November 23-29, 2020.

  1. Junior and Senior Events will be held in person as originally scheduled.
  2. Pre-Novice and Novice Events will not be included in the 2021 Skate Canada Challenge. Skate Canada will organize a stand-alone National Championship for Pre-Novice and Novice Events on or before March 31, 2021. Preliminary details will be provided by November 30, 2020.
  3. Individual Sections may experience challenges in hosting qualifying competitions this season. Accordingly, each Section has been sanctioned by Skate Canada to determine, in their sole discretion, how competitors will be qualified to compete and be registered for the 2021 Skate Canada Challenge.   It is expected that all competitors entered in the 2021 Skate Canada Challenge will demonstrate the appropriate skills to be competitive relative to other qualified athletes.
  4. In the event of exceptional circumstances related to COVID-19 quarantine restrictions imposed in certain Sections, Skate Canada may authorize an athlete to participate in 2021 Skate Canada Challenge remotely. All requests for accommodation in this regard should be forwarded to Skate Canada’s High Performance Director.
  5. Unless a bye to the 2021 Canadian Figure Skating Championships is provided by Skate Canada in writing to an athlete, all athletes must compete at the 2021 Skate Canada Challenge to qualify for the 2021 Canadian Figure Skating Championships.

To give effect to these decisions, Competitions rules or portions of rules are being  suspended or revised for the 2020-2021 season as follows:

  1. Eligibility to Participate

Section 2.1 Competitors – Qualifying Events  is being suspended for Pre-Novice and Novice Events only for the current 2020-2021 season. This is in reference to Canadian citizenship. The date for completion of the Non-Canadian Citizen Application is extended to September 25, 2020 for Junior and Senior Events. 

  1. Assessment Requirements for Qualifying Competition Categories is being changed for the 2020-2021 season as follows:

 Competitors wishing to enter Qualifying Events leading to Skate Canada Challenge and/or the Canadian Figure Skating Championships must have passed the assessments as outlined in the competition program requirements for each discipline no later than 14 days preceding the start of the first segment of the event in which they are competing.

  1. Sectional Championships

Section 8 and its subsections will be suspended for the 2020-2021 season. Each Section shall make their own decision as to when and/or if they will hold their Sectional Championships. Each Section will be responsible for determining the method used to fill their quota qualifying to Skate Canada Challenge for Junior and Senior Events and to the stand-alone National Championships for Pre-Novice and Novice Events. It is expected that each qualifying athlete demonstrate the appropriate skills relative to other qualifying athletes.

8.3 Normal Quota of Entries for Pre-Novice and Novice will be in effect for determining entries to the stand-alone National Championships for these Events being held in 2021. Each Section will be responsible for determining the method used to fill their quota for Junior and Senior Events and to the stand-alone National Championships for Pre-Novice and Novice Events.

  1. Skate Canada Challenge

Section 9 and 9.1. Selection of Entries from Skate Canada Challenge will be suspended for 2020-2021 season.

Junior and Senior Events will be held in person at the 2021 Skate Canada Challenge. The number of qualifying entries from 2021 Skate Canada Challenge to the 2021 Canadian Figure Skating Championships for Junior and Senior Events will be communicated no later than October 1, 2020.

Pre-Novice and Novice Events will not be included in the 2021 Skate Canada Challenge.

9.2. Alternates continues in force and is NOT suspended.

9.3. Normal Quota at the Canadian Figure Skating Championships Not Exceeded will be suspended for the 2020-2021 season.  All Events at 2021 Skate Canada Challenge are compulsory and only athletes with written permission of Skate Canada shall be permitted entry to 2021 Canadian Figure Skating Championships without having competed at the 2021 Skate Canada Challenge. This provides meaningful competition experience for all athletes in lead up to the 2021 Canadian Figure Skating Championships.

  1. Canadian Figure Skating Championships

The below noted portion of Section 10 will apply to Junior and Senior categories only and is suspended in the 2020-2021 season for Novice Events.

The below noted portion of Section 10 will apply to Junior and Senior categories only and is suspended in the 2020-2021 season for Novice Events.

The Canadian Figure Skating Championships will be completed no later than the first Sunday following January 31 of the current Registration Year.

The date and location of a stand-alone National Championships for Pre-Novice and Novice Events will be communicated no later than November 30, 2020.