Town Hall Follow Up

Town Hall Follow Up

Thank you to everyone who joined us for the Return to Skating Town Hall. We were thrilled with the level of engagement from our community and encouraged by your comments and questions in the chat feature.

We were not able to answer all questions that you posed but will be reviewing all questions and providing responses in the coming weeks – a link will be provided once available. We do encourage you to reach out to your Section if your questions were Section specific.

Thank you to all Sections for providing such detailed updates during the Town Hall and for your dedication and guidance in creating return to skating guides and protocols.

We would like to thank our clubs, skating schools, and coaches for following the precautions outlined by their provincial and municipal governments, their local venue operators, and their Sections. Your compliance in following these regulations is critical to the success of our return to skating plan.

The link to the recording of the Return to Skating Town Hall is now available. The recording provides French and English subtitles. Based on your computer setting, a subtitle language may be automatically selected for you. To add or change the subtitle please click the ‘gear icon’ on the video to select your subtitle language preference.

If you have questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at or 1-888-747-2372.

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