Skate Canada presents the 2020 Virtual Awards Ceremony

Each year, Skate Canada hosts its annual Achievement Awards Gala and Banquet, which is part of the annual Ice Summit. Unfortunately, the 2020 Ice Summit was cancelled due to COVID-19, but the show must go on!

Skate Canada is thrilled to announce the first edition of the 2020 Virtual Awards Ceremony! The awards show will celebrate the achievements of our volunteers, coaches, choreographers, officials, sections, clubs and skating schools. The evening will be live on Skate Canada’s YouTube Channel on Thursday, May 28 at 8 p.m. EST.

What’s an award ceremony without a few friendly and familiar faces? To host this exciting evening, who better than Skate Canada’s digital host and former national team skater, Elladj Baldé. He’ll be joined by Canada’s national champions Emily Bausback, Roman Sadovsky, Kirsten Moore-Towers, Michael Marinaro, Piper Gilles, Paul Poirier and Les Suprêmes team captain Dana Malawany.

Our national champions from all the skating disciplines will be assisting Baldé in presenting the awards to honour our recipients and celebrate our community as we come together during challenging times.

Don’t miss a special evening as we celebrate those who have truly made a difference to Skate Canada this past season. You can join us by watching the show on YouTube and follow along as we live Tweet the event on Skate Canada’s Twitter account. Follow along by using #SCAwards2020!