2020 Ice Summit in Moncton Cancelled; Skate Canada Annual General Meeting change in format

On the recommendations from the federal and provincial governments and with the current situation surrounding the COVID-19 outbreak, Skate Canada regretfully announces that the 2020 Ice Summit, scheduled to take place from May 28-30 in Moncton, New Brunswick, has been cancelled.

Plans are currently underway to hold the Skate Canada Annual General Meeting (AGM) with remote access allowing our membership to participate in the AGM online via live streaming. Details concerning voting technology and the meeting in general will be provided once they are available.

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These decisions were made with the best interests of all participants in mind given the exceptional circumstances presented by the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) pandemic.

Skate Canada will continue to closely monitor the COVID-19 situation and we are committed to the health and safety of all our members and registrants.

Our thanks to Skate Canada New Brunswick for their gracious offer to host Canada’s skating family this spring.