Skate Canada Concussion Pathway
All individuals and their parent or legal guardian (if under 18 years of age) must review the Pre-Education Resource and sign the Acknowledgement Sheet within 60 days of registration.
Pre-Season Concussion Education ResourcePre-Season Concussion Education Acknowledgement
Consult Skate Canada’s Concussion Recognition Tool to help identify concussions in children, adolescents and adults.
Skate Canada’s How to Recognize a Concussion ToolRemove from Sport / Physical Activity
If an individual is suspected of sustaining a concussion and there is no concern for a more serious head or spine injury, the individual should be immediately removed from the ice.
An ambulance should be called immediately to transfer the individual to the nearest emergency department for further medical assessments.
The individual should be taken to a quiet area and undergo a Sideline Medical Assessment
Must be completed by: Athletic therapist, physiotherapist, medical doctor
Return to sport / Physical activity
A medical assessment letter must be provided to the individual with a suspected concussion. The medical assessment is to determine whether the individual has been diagnosed with a concussion or not.
Must be completed by: Licensed healthcare professionals such as medical doctor and/or nurse practitioner.
Medical Assessment LetterReturn to sport / Physical activity
The individual must provide their coach, skating club board of directors or school administrators with a Medical Clearance Letter that specifies they are cleared to return to skate, train and/or coach.
Must be completed by: Medical doctor, nurse practitioner, team athletic therapist or physiotherapist.
Return-to-School Strategy, Sport-Specific Return-to-Sport StrategyIf available, individuals who experience persistent post-concussion symptoms may benefit from multidisciplinary concussion care with licensed professionals that are trained in traumatic brain injury.
The individual must provide their coach, skating club board of directors or school administrators with a Medical Clearance Letter that specifies they are cleared to return to skate, train and/or coach.
Must be completed by: Licensed healthcare professionals such as medical doctor and/or nurse practitioner.
For full details please review Skate Canada’s Concussion Protocol.
*Persistent symptoms: lasting > 4 weeks in children & youth or > 2 weeks in adults